Outdoor Patio Heaters Safety Tips

Natural Gas Outdoor heater in Sydney

Nothing beats the comforting glow of your outdoor patio heater to protect you from the harsh winter conditions. To continue getting the most out of your patio heater and avoid getting caught in the cold, you need to understand how to use your unit safely. The last thing you’d want is to put yourself and your guests at risk. By following these outdoor patio heater safety tips, you can continue to reap the benefits of your heater for years to come.

Check for leaks and damage before use

Mechanical objects will degrade over time. If you use natural gas or LPG patio heaters, you should always check for potential gas leaks and damage before using your heater for extended periods. These leaks may not always be visible, so an excellent way to check is to spread soapy water around your hose and gas tank connections. Turn on your gas, and if you notice air bubbles appearing, you’ve got a leak that needs attention. If you cannot stop the leak yourself, you need your heater to be serviced before you can use it safely.

Don’t clutter it

Winter heaters are great for your home, but you may add unnecessary risk to your environment if your patio heater operates close to a wall, ceiling, furniture or any flammable object. You should keep a minimum free space of 1 meter around the patio heater, so you mitigate the risk of fire hazards. Despite all the safety features patio heaters have built-in, you can never know when the stars align for a disaster to happen, so don’t take the risk.

Only operate on level ground

An important safety tip to follow is to only use your patio heater on level ground. Most patio heaters are weighted and designed not to tip easily. Keeping your patio heater on an incline will increase the risk of it tipping over, creating a fire hazard, damaging your heater and potentially injuring someone. If you cannot place your heater on a flat surface, it’s best not to take the risk.

Keep it covered when not in use

When operating your patio heater, there are many tips to keep in mind. To protect your patio heater investment from the weather’s elements and dust, keep it covered with a weatherproof cover to protect it from bugs and debris, and help prevent rust.

Ensure proper ventilation

If the space you use your patio heater in doesn’t have good air circulation, then you may increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide is an odourless, invisible gas that is produced from burning gas and wood. Carbon monoxide poisoning is deadly for anybody, and children are even more vulnerable. If your space has proper ventilation, however, you will be safe to reap the benefits of outdoor heating solutions.

Natural gas patio heaters can be your perfect all-year heating solution for your home or outdoor space. For ideal outdoor dining heaters and more, talk to the experts at Climate Australia today.

heat it up. cool it down